





*As an artist interested in film appreciation, this project is an exploration based on the idea of how to present Japanese history, what kind of scenes, in what colors, and in what form.

🔹作成中⟶安土桃山時代について多くの情報を調べ、それをアートブックのような形にまとめることを計画している。つまり、史実を解釈しながらレポートを書き、絵・スケッチ・画像編集など、さまざまな形で作品を制作するということだ。(*In process⟶ ⁡Researching a lot of information about the Azuchi-Momoyama period and compiling it into something like an art book. In other words, write a report when trying to interpret historical facts and try to create it in various forms (painting, sketching, image editing, etc.))
● もう収集された情報
      Information already collected

 -信長紹介    ⁡-秀吉紹介⁡   ⁡⁡-家康紹介  
(presentation of Nobunaga) (presentation of Hideyoshi)  (presentation of Ieyasu)   

I.⁡-本能寺の変⁡ Honnoji no hen
⁡- ❶ 背景⁡ Background
- ❷ 明智光秀の立場⁡ Akechi Mitsuhide's position
- ❸ 直前までの状況 Situtions before the incident  ⟶⁡
⁡光秀明智、羽柴秀吉、徳川家康⁡(Akechi Mitsuhide, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu)
⁡- ❹ 討入の覚悟⁡ Preparation the attack
⁡- ❺ 光秀の策略変更⁡ The modification of Mituhide's strategy
⁡- ❻ 信長の最後の夜⁡ The last night of Nobunaga
⁡- ❼ 本能寺の変⁡ Honnoji no hen
⁡- ❽ 本能寺の変の直後 After the incident⟶⁡
⁡伊賀越え⁡ Iga crossing
II.⁡長篠の戦い The battle of Nagashino
⁡⁡- ❶長篠城攻城⁡ Attack on Nagashino castle
- ❷信長軍団の到着 ⁡Arrival of Nobunaga's army
⁡- ❸鳶ヶ巣山攻防戦⁡ Attack on Mount Tobigasu
⁡- ❹設楽原決戦⁡ Battle of Shitara-hara

⁡⁡III.⁡関ケ原の戦い The battle of Sekigahara
⁡- ❶決戦までの経緯 The process leading up to the battle
- ❷政治抗争の発生 Political strife
⁡- ❸加賀前田征伐と家康の権力強化 The conquest of Kaga Maeda and the strengthening of Ieyasu's power
⁡- ❹本戦までの動き Actions before the main battle
- ❺東軍諸大名の反転 Reversal of the Eastern lords
⁡- ❻ 西軍の伊勢侵攻と東軍の岐阜城攻め The invasion of Ise by the Western Army and the attack on Gifu Castle by the Eastern Army
⁡- ❼ 決戦と抗争終結 Decisive battle and the end of the conflict
⁡⁡- 決戦開始 Start of decisive battle
⁡- ❽ 島津軍・毛利軍側  Shimazu's and Mori's sides
⁡- ➒小早川秀秋の寝返り The betrayal of Kobayakawa Hideaki
⁡- ➓ 西軍戦敗 Defeat of the Western Army
- ⓫ 終戦後 After the battle